We’ve added the option to send money to the Carroll County Democratic Club via PayPal, if you prefer that to sending a check!  We’ve set up a PayPal account under the email “” (NOTE the “md” at the end!).
You can now send payments to that email (
IMPORTANT: When you send the money, please use the “Friends and Family Payment” option!
That involves NO fees. 
(If you use the “Goods and Services” option, PayPal deducts a fee from your payment.)

Please use the “Add a Note” section below the amount you’re sending to tell me:

  • what it’s for (dues, general contribution, contribution to the GoodWorks Fund, perhaps a specific fundraiser, whatever)
  • Email address (so I can make sure you’re on the newsletter distro)
  • your mailing address if I don’t already have it
  • If it’s for dues: 
    • Which club year these dues are for (club years run May-May, so we’re in the 2021-22 club year now, and the 2022-23 club year starts in May 2022).
    • If we can list your name in the next newsletter (NEW)
    • If you’re new, how you heard of the club

Thanks! (To pay by check, see DUES (

  • Mark