Brooke Lierman Swearing in and Celebration
Please go to and click on "RSVP today" at top of page.
Please go to and click on "RSVP today" at top of page.
Please go to for noon swearing in in Annapolis and evening Gala in Baltimore.
The Carroll County Democratic Central Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month.
At 7pm at Johansson's in Westminster. Our speaker will be Lynne Griffith, who will talk about the Arts Council. Some of us come early, at 6pm, for an informal dinner before the meeting; all are welcome!
The Carroll County Democratic Central Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month.
Join us the third Saturday (rain date is the following Sunday.) of each month at 10:00 at Westminster Community Pond. Google map.
At 7pm at Johansson's in Westminster. Speaker: to be announced. Some of us come early, at 6pm, for an informal dinner before the meeting; all are welcome!
The Carroll County Democratic Central Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month.
Join us the third Saturday (rain date is the following Sunday.) of each month at 10:00 at Westminster Community Pond. Google map.
After the Helping Hands monthly Westminster Community Pond cleanup on April 15 10:00 am please join us at Birdies Café around 11:30 for an informal discussion group. Enjoy refreshments and give us your ideas. We are currently developing our Two Year Plan and want your input. Keep an eye on our website for more information on casual events […]