A Message from Kate Sanner, the new CC Democratic Club Vice President
I am so happy to be the new Vice President of the Carroll County Democratic Club. As the new Club year begins and we are in the middle of the Midterm Elections campaign season, I wanted to introduce myself and briefly share with you some of my goals for the new club year.
A lifelong Democrat, I am originally from Buffalo, NY and have lived in Maryland for nearly forty years, twenty of those in Carroll County. At the end of 2017, I retired from private practice as a clinical social worker where I primarily served children and their families. Earlier this year, I decided to run for the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee and was fortunate to have been elected to it in the Primary Election in June.
We are seeing a tremendous energy among Democrats nationwide as we approach the Midterm Elections. That energy is also strong in Carroll County. My broad goal as a Central Committee member and the CCDC VP is to amplify the voice of the Democratic Party in Carroll County. Our government works best – at every level – if we have a strong two-party system (and conversely, we see the disastrous effects of one party rule as evidenced in all 3 branches of the Federal government).
Specifically, as club VP, I would like to help facilitate the following:
1) Expand the presence and visibility of the Democratic party in Carroll County,
2) Help elect Democratic candidates at all levels of government,
3) Increase our CC Democratic Club membership,
4) Increase outreach to members and to potential members,
5) Provide varied opportunities for civic and community participation by members that go beyond monthly meetings, and
6) Educate and inform voters in our county.
My goals require not only hard work and persistence beyond election years but also engagement with our Club membership and creating opportunities for our members to positively interact with and give back to the communities in which we live.
Please feel free to offer me your suggestions for Club growth and also for how we can expand our presence and involvement in our county. You can reach me at ccdemclub@googlegroups.com.
Thank you so much. I look forward to meeting as many club members as I can during the upcoming club year.
Kate Sanner