When I sent to request my mail-in ballot, I found that some steps or screens mentioned in the procedure originally supplied by West had CHANGED! (Thanks, Hogan.)
I left that original notice below, but ADDED the process I ended up following, with my own notes.
- Mark
- This is the URL that I used: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/OnlineVoterRegistration/InstructionsStep1
- I had to click NEXT several times. Then there was a screen to enter my personal data.
- This is labeled “Step 1 – Name, Birthdate and SSN” You will need:
- Name
- Birthdate
- Last 4 of SSN
- On the NEXT screen, labeled “Step 2 – MVA Information”, you will need
- MD Driver’s License # or ID # (Number and Date of Issue)
Click NEXT, while they check your data.
- On the screen labeled “Step 3 – Current Residential Address”, enter that data.
- NOTE: for “Street Name”, enter ONLY the name, not the “STREET” or “ROAD” part, that goes in the next entry, “Street Type” (Weird)
Click NEXT.
- On the next screen, labeled “Step 4 – Mailing Address”, I just chose “Send it to the address where I live in Maryland” – this is where you want them to MAIL the application.
- On the next screen, labeled “Step 5 – Political Party”, click “DEMOCRAT” and make sure it’s highlighted before clicking NEXT
- The next screens are pretty self-explanatory:
- Step 6 – Additional Contact Information
- Step 7 – Previous Registration Information [Have you registered before, has your name and/or address changed since you registered?]
- The next screen, labeled “Step 8 – Voter Support”: Basically, do you need help at polls?
Yes, you have to answer this, even though you’re voting by mail. I chose “No”. There’s also an option to say you want to be an Election Judge.
- The next screen, labeled “Step 9 – Main-In Ballot Request”:
- Click the SECOND radio button, “I would like to receive a mail-in ballot”
- When a big block of text opens up, check the box “I would like a mail-in ballot for the 2020 Presidential General Election”
- Choose a “Delivery Method”; I just chose the second option, “Through email”.
- In the mail
- Through email, or
- As a fax
- The next screen, labeled “Step 10 – Oath and Signature”:
- Check ALL the boxes
- Type your name in the Signature box
- Click NEXT
- The next screen, “Step 1 – Preview and Submit Application”: review data, click SUBMIT
- You will get a CONFIRMATION screen, including a long confirmation number. I printed the page for my records. It says they “will process your information soon”.
NOTE: The ballots will not be received via ANY method for a month or two.
According to the site:
We start sending mail-in ballots about 30-45 days before an election. You can check the status of your mail-in ballot [here: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch ]
Here is a link to the MD State Board of Elections website to request a mail-in ballot for November:
Be aware, you will need a MD Driver’s License or similar MD ID. It is a bit cumbersome with something like 10 or 11 steps, and it can be a bit confusing because it is also used for registering to vote. Stay with it, and you’ll be fine.
(NOTE: Since the process can be confusing, here’s a link to a FACEBOOK VIDEO about how to do it, from Speaker Adrienne Jones: https://www.facebook.com/2292917797435671/posts/3291566554237452/ )
Maintain your personal safety while exercising your right to vote!
(Thanks to Don West for this)