Minutes of the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee October 8, 2015 In attendance: Don West, Corynne Courpas, Frank Rammes, Dorothy Scanlan, Charles Harrison, Mitch Edelman, Tom Scanlan, Joan McGrath The meeting was called to order at 8:00pm. Pledge of Allegiance Chair's Report Corynne attended the state party meeting in place of Don. She reports that Bruce Poole and Pat Murray are doing great things. There are a number of events coming up: an October 26 event at the Visionary Art Museum to honor Barbara Mikulski; another on Nov 2 to honor Steny Hoyer for his ADA advocacy; another message training workshop in November; a fundraising workshop on November 17. It was noted that the presidential primary is on April 26. The next state party meeting is December 5. Updated information on becoming a delegate to the convention is on the State party website. Don mentioned that Van Hollen's people are looking for a point person in Carroll. Secretary's Report September minutes were approved, with the motion made by Corynne and seconded by Joan and was passed unanimously. Treasurer's Report Corynne reported that the checking account balance is $ 5,738.37. Checks continue to come in for the breakfast. Frank made a motion that the report be accepted; Charles seconded; passed unanimously. Special Discussion: Jefferson-Jackson name change Mitch suggested a mail ballot. Anita and Greg are opposed to the name change. We need to have a discussion with the members in opposition; therefore, any decision will be postponed until the December meeting. Frank made a motion to change the name; Corynne seconded. It was suggested that we choose a name that honors the past and embraces the future. It's not revisionist history; it's an opportunity to reinvent the future. Vote was as follows: 6-YES; 2-NAY; 1-abstension Possible names were brainstormed: Unity, Victory, Jefferson-Kennedy, Founding Fathers, Forward Carroll, Onward Carroll, Founders' Dinner. Club Reports CC Dems: met Monday for a brainstorming session. There will be no meeting in November and probably no meeting in January. It was discussed reducing the number of meetings to every other month. Paul Milton was invited to attend the committee/club holiday dinner at Buttersburg. Laura O'Callahan was the speaker at the October meeting. She said there would be training on the new voting machines on October 15 and November 19 at 7pm in the gym. South Carroll Club: No report Committee Reports Local Politics: Education is the hot topic and the banner we should take up. The Save North Carroll group is meeting tonight. The Board of Education is meeting on the 14th. Option 4 is to be revealed, and then there will be public comment. The rumor is that they are hoping to fast track whatever option is approved. Annapolis: Tabled. Communications: Eblasts: Keep the eblasts coming. LTEs: We still need to recruit people to write letters on a regular basis. Facebook: Don has been doing a stellar job managing the Facebook page. He sets the schedule every day. Discussion ensued as to whether to allocate $100 to ÒboostÓ our posts on Facebook. Mitch made a motion to approve; Frank seconded; motion passed. Events: Kumar Barve and Jamie Raskin are the speakers at the breakfast which is October 24 at 9AM at the Best Western. We need to continue to recruit people to come. Joel RubinÑa new entry into the District 8 race-will also be in attendance. There will be a debate watch party at Johansson's on October 13. Blog: We need to revisit this. Old Business Brochure: completed and printed Fallfest: Was worthwhile. Quite a few people stopped by and we have new names to add to our eblast list. Intern duties: Mitch will email her to see what her vision is. Bylaws: Don needs to sign and send to State Party and Board of Elections. New Business Do we want to have a headquarters? We will make a decision in the spring and start looking for a space. A potential meeting with the Carroll County Times publisher has been tabled. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Dorothy Scanlan Recording Secretary, CCDCC