Carroll County Democratic Central Committee Meeting Minutes September 19th, 2013 Committee members in attendance Paula Monroe-Davidson, Maria Warburton, Frank Rammes, Jim Gregory, Corynne Courpas, Greg Pecoraro, Don West, Neil Ridgely, Dorothy Scanlon, Anita Riley and Jackie Schrenker-Case. Other attendees Derek Baumgardner Meeting was held in the Large Meeting Room of the Westminster Branch of the CCPL and was called to order by Don West, Acting Chair, at 7:03pm and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Chair's Report Jason Officer's resignation from the CCDCC is official, as of today, September 19th, 2013. Also, Greg Pecoraro was recognized as the 'Democrat of the Year' at the recent MDP gala. And Dorothy S., corresponding secretary, has completed the letter thanking former CCDCC member Mary E. for her service to the group. Secretary's Report August's minutes were sent to CCDCC members via e-mail. A motion to approve minutes was made by Frank R., 2nd by Anita R.., vote unanimous. Treasurer's Report Treasurer's report was sent out via e-mail to the members and showed a current balance of $9,784.66. Motion to approve report by Jim G., 2nd by Paula M., vote unanimous. Club Reports Vince Pacelli and Bill Tilghman were the speakers at the September CC Dems meeting. South Carroll Dems participated in the Eldersburg 'Night Out'. Committee Reports Neil R. gave his Local Politics report, including Commissioner Shoemaker's attempt to stop delivery of 'free' newspapers in the County, the ongoing saga of Common Core, antics in Planning and Zoning, announced candidates, no action on ethics, continued friction between Howard and Frazier, and ongoing solid waste discussions. The Election Committee report was given by Corynne C. She updated us about declared candidates. And there will be a special meeting scheduled for the Campaign Committee in October. There were no Events, Fundraising, Grassroots/Outreach, or Communications reports. Old Business We had a lengthy discussion of the upcoming Fallfest event. Jackie S-C is coordinating the event, and more volunteers are needed. Dorothy S. has completed the brochure that we will be handing out at the event. Anita R. gave an update on the upcoming CCDCC Breakfast set for Saturday, October 26th, 2013. It's time to sell some tickets! We discussed the role of the CCDCC in next year's election cycle. The value of a local headquarters was debated, as well as how best to maximize our financial investment. Greg P. floated the idea of a 'coordinated campaign', where there would be a county-wide voter ID and GOTV campaign, instead of just handing out funds to the individual candidates. Grep P. and Corynne C. agreed to work with any other interested members to develop this Campaign Plan for the next Central Committee which will be seated after the June 2014 primary. We finalized the advertisement the CCDCC will place in the brochure for the upcoming NAACP dinner on October 12th, 2013. It will include pictures of President Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King and a suitable quote. Jim G. gave an update on mass mailings to residents of the County. New Business Anita announced that our JJ Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 15th, 2014 at Martin's Westminster, and she is trying to get Congressman Steny Hoyer to be the speaker. We discussed the new judgeship opening in Carroll County. It was decided to not offer our support for any particular applicant until the short list is publicized. Announcements The next regular meeting for the CCDCC will be Thursday, October 17th, 2013, starting at 7 pm, in the Small Meeting Room of the Finksburg Branch of the CCPL. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Don West, CCDCC Recording Secretary